Bhakti Rasayana Sagara Swami

  • The monk whose advice is sought by millionaires.
  • 14 round-the-world trips and lectures all over the world
  • The sage connecting the material and the spiritual
Монах Бхакти Расаяна Сагара Свами

About Bhakti Rasayana
Sagar Maharaj

  • He has been practicing sannyasa (monk in the tradition of bhakti yoga)
  • He has been lecturing as well as consulting social and business leaders in more than 20 countries all over 4 continents.
  • In his lectures and trainings he has been using both ancient sacred scriptures and developments of Harvard business school.
  • Also, he is engaged in cooperation between confessions at the state and the United Nations level.
  • Sagara Maharaja is a spiritual leader of the Russian Office of the International Business Forum “Artha”.

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Yoga of Success. Part 2

We continue to talk about the “Yoga of Success” based on the Bhagavad-Gita. We talked about the fact that this course includes the following topics: “Life without conflicts”, “Believe in…

2020-03-15, England, London, Вопросы и ответы Rus